Seminář Power Balance Control in Electrical Grids


doc. Ing. Petr Horáček, CSc. (ČVUT v Praze) 

Datum akce: 
Úterý, 14. Září 2010 - 9:00 - 17:00

In any electric system, the active power generation and consumption must be balanced. Generation units and even load in some cases must be manipulated to conduct power balancing so the network user is not affected by load changes or generation and transmission outages and risk of blackouts is minimized. Basic concepts of control of synchronous generators connected to a grid will be reviewed including the technical means available for power balancing, the way how is the power balancing distributed throughout the network and who is in charge of the task. The topics include principles of primary frequency control, secondary frequency and power control, tertiary power control and balancing power reserve planning. Criteria related to successful completion of the balancing task applied to North American and European grids will be introduced. Some of the challenges in continuously evolving power systems like large wind and photovoltaic farms connected to the grid will be discussed.

Místo konání: 

Ústav automatizace a měřicí techniky
Kolejní 2906/4
612 00 Brno
(seminární místnost E-109)

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