Seminář From Industrial to Cloud Robots


em. o.Univ.Prof. Dr.techn.Dr.hc.mult. Peter Kopacek (Vienna University of Technology, Intelligent Handling and Robotics)

Datum akce: 
Pátek, 25. Listopad 2011 - 9:00 - 17:00


Robotics is a very fast growing field especially in the last years. In the late seventies the first industrial applications of stationary unintelligent industrial robots were realised. Begin of the 90`s a new generation of mobile, intelligent, cooperative robots grows up. This new generation opens new applications areas like in construction, in agriculture, in the food industry, in the household, for medical and rehabilitation applications, in the entertainment industry as well as for leisure and hobby. Current developing trends are humanoid robots and robots supporting the human in everyday life. Other intensive research areas are cooperative robots, bio inspired robots, ubiquitous robots and cloud robots. In this lecture a practical, industrial oriented overview on these categories of robots, will be given and illustrated by realised examples.

Seminář bude veden v anglickém jazyce.


Místo konání: 

Ústav automatizace a měřicí techniky
Kolejní 2906/4
612 00 Brno
(seminární místnost E-109)

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